agile is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham

Generator Member List

This is the complete list of members for Generator, including all inherited members.
_crossSectionGenerator [protected]
_initializedGenerator [protected]
_initialstatesetGenerator [protected]
_myNameGenerator [protected]
_myStateGenerator [private]
_myVersionGenerator [private]
_particleNamesGenerator [protected]
_versionSetGenerator [private]
clearEvent(HepMC::GenEvent &evt)Generator [inline, protected, virtual]
FAILURE enum valueGenerator
finalize()=0Generator [pure virtual]
Generator()Generator [inline]
getCrossSection()Generator [inline, virtual]
getLog() const Generator [inline, protected]
getName() const Generator [inline, virtual]
getPDFMember(PdgCode pid)Generator [inline, virtual]
getPDFScheme(PdgCode pid) const Generator [inline, virtual]
getPDFSet(PdgCode pid)Generator [inline, virtual]
getState()Generator [inline, virtual]
getVersion()Generator [inline, virtual]
initialize()Generator [inline, protected, virtual]
makeEvent(HepMC::GenEvent &evt)Generator [inline, virtual]
Result enum nameGenerator
setGenSpecificInitialState(int p1=PROTON, double e1=7000.0, int p2=PROTON, double e2=7000.0)=0Generator [protected, pure virtual]
setInitialState(int p1=PROTON, double e1=7000.0, int p2=PROTON, double e2=7000.0)Generator [inline]
setParam(const std::string &name, const int &value)Generator [inline, virtual]
setParam(const std::string &name, const unsigned int &value)Generator [inline, virtual]
setParam(const std::string &name, const long &value)Generator [inline, virtual]
setParam(const std::string &name, const unsigned long &value)Generator [inline, virtual]
setParam(const std::string &name, const double &value)Generator [inline, virtual]
setParam(const std::string &name, const float &value)Generator [inline, virtual]
setParam(const std::string &name, const bool &value)Generator [inline, virtual]
setParam(const std::string &name, const std::string &value)Generator [inline, virtual]
setSeed(const int value)Generator [inline, virtual]
setState(const GeneratorState &state)Generator [inline, virtual]
setVersion(const std::string &version)Generator [inline, virtual]
SUCCESS enum valueGenerator
~Generator()Generator [inline, virtual]
Generated on Tue Mar 6 10:39:41 2012 for AGILe - A Generator Interface Library (+ executable) by  doxygen 1.6.3