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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00002 #include "AGILe/AlpGen/AlpGenFHerwigJimmy.hh"
00003 #include "AGILe/AlpGen/AlpGenWrapper.hh"
00004 #include "AGILe/FHerwig/FHerwigWrapper65.hh"
00005 #include "AGILe/FHerwig/JimmyWrapper.hh"
00006 #include "AGILe/Utils.hh"
00007 #include "HepMC/HEPEVT_Wrapper.h"
00010 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00011 // Implementation file for class : AlpGenFHerwigJimmy
00012 // This is the file-reading interface wrapper only. It contains an instance of
00013 // FHerwigJimmy which does most of the work. This class is only to provide access to
00014 // the parameter
00015 // settings.
00016 //
00017 // Authors: Jon Butterworth
00018 //          Andy Buckley
00019 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00022 namespace AGILe {
00025   // Standard constructor
00026   AlpGenFHerwigJimmy::AlpGenFHerwigJimmy() {
00027     // Set flag to read from LHA event file
00028     FC_HWPROC.IPROC = -100;
00029     _iprocset = true;
00031     // Set the ALPGEN filename to "zhjj" by default
00032     FC_AHIO.FILENAME[0] = 'z';
00033     FC_AHIO.FILENAME[1] = 'h';
00034     FC_AHIO.FILENAME[2] = 'j';
00035     FC_AHIO.FILENAME[3] = 'j';
00036   }
00039   // Set string parameters
00040   bool AlpGenFHerwigJimmy::setParam(const string& name, const string& value) {
00041     // Try AlpGen param handling first
00042     bool ok = _alpgen.setParam(name, value);
00043     if (ok) return SUCCESS;
00044     // Fall back to Herwig+Jimmy param handling
00045     ok = FHerwigJimmy::setParam(name, value);
00046     if (ok) return SUCCESS;
00047     // Fail
00048     MSG_ERROR("AlpGenHerwigJimmy doesn't have a parameter called " << name);
00049     return FAILURE;
00050   }
00053   // Call event generation with veto routine for MLM matching
00054   void AlpGenFHerwigJimmy::makeEvent(HepMC::GenEvent& evt) {
00055     Generator::makeEvent(evt);
00056     while (true) {
00057       int counter(0);
00058       // Repeat the first stages of event generation until multiple
00059       // scattering succeeds (or isn't run at all).
00060       while (true) {
00061         FC_HWUINE();  // Initialize event
00062         FC_HWEPRO();  // Generate hard subprocess
00064         // Call the AlpGen matching routine
00065         int imatch = 0;
00066         FC_UPVETO(&imatch);
00067         if (imatch != 0) {
00068           MSG_DEBUG("Event killed by UPVETO");
00069           FC_HWEVNT.IERROR = -1;
00070           FC_HWUFNE();
00071           continue;
00072         }
00074         counter += 1;
00076         FC_HWBGEN();  // Generate parton cascade
00078         // Call the multiple scattering routine with the abort flag.
00079         // If abort is returned with value 1 (true), then abandon the
00080         // event. This implementation makes sure that the event generation
00081         // continues if multiple scattering is disabled (MSFLAG != 1)
00082         int abort(0);
00083         if (FC_JMPARM.MSFLAG == 1) FC_HWMSCT(&abort);
00084         // If MS is okay or disabled, escape the loop and
00085         // continue with the decays and hadronisation.
00086         if (abort == 0) {
00087           MSG_DEBUG("Num attempts to make MPI = " << counter);
00088           break;
00089         }
00091         // Check for too many attempts to make MPI scatters
00092         if (counter > 100) {
00093           throw runtime_error("Too many attempts to make MPI in FHerwigJimmy");
00094         }
00095       }
00096       FC_HWDHOB();  // Do heavy quark decays
00097       if (_doHadronise) {
00098         FC_HWCFOR();  // Do cluster formation
00099         FC_HWCDEC();  // Do cluster decays
00100         FC_HWDHAD();  // Do unstable particle decays
00101         FC_HWDHVY();  // Do heavy flavor decays
00102         FC_HWMEVT();  // Add soft underlying event
00103       }
00104       FC_HWUFNE();  // Finish event
00105       if (FC_HWEVNT.IERROR == 0) break;
00106     }
00107     clearEvent(evt);
00108     fillEvent(evt);
00109   }
00112 }
00115 // Class factory
00116 extern "C" {
00117   AGILe::Generator* create() { return new AGILe::AlpGenFHerwigJimmy(); }
00118   void destroy(AGILe::Generator* gen) { delete gen; }
00119 }
Generated on Tue Mar 6 10:39:38 2012 for AGILe - A Generator Interface Library (+ executable) by  doxygen 1.6.3